Download Youtube video using python | pytube

 Download Youtube video using python

          Downloading Youtube video and audio is illegal. Whatever many third party site or app provides this feature by showing some annoying adds  . We know any programming language is powerful to do any work by digital machine . Python has its module which is pytube allow us to download youtube video and audio file . For this purpose , you have to install python as well as pytube , you can download pytube by using following command on windows command prompt,

                       pip install pytube  

If pytube is already downloaded , following result will occurs on CMD

                          See document about pytube

Python source code for downloading Youtube video :

 from pytube import YouTube  
 link = input("Video url : ")  
 yt = YouTube(link)  
 videos = yt.streams.filter(progressive = True)  
 i = 1  
 for stream in videos:  
   print(str(i)+ " " +str(stream))  
   i += 1  
 stream_number = int(input("enter number :"))  
 video = videos[stream_number-1]  
 video.on_complete(print("Video Downloaded Succesfully ."))  
 Note : It does not work for some videos .       
                                     Watch video , click here

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