C programming Tutorial - learn basic of C programming Language

C programming Tutorial - learn basic of C language:

learn C Language


Before we start , it would be interesting to find out what really is C  and why we need any programming language .

        A programming language is a set of instruction for device/computer , that produce various kind of output . As we know, digital computer can understand the instructions only the way of binary manner [1 or 0] , so when we write any program on C , a compiler read the instruction and convert those instruction to the binary code & ultimately we get the result as a output .

              C is programming language which was developed by Dennis Ritchie at " AT & T's " Bell Laboratories  of USA in 1972 . Due to high reliable , simple & easy to use , C  programming language became popular . There are several reason to use C language now days , you can easily find on internet , thats reason . so with out wastage time lets begin about C. 

C Programming Basic:

    While learning C , we have to learn first about alphabets ,digits and special symbols . Then we have to learn combine them to form constants , variables and keywords , and finally , how to combined them
to form an instruction . A group of instructions can then be combined to form a program . Fig below shows that "Steps in learning  C language" :

The C character: 

                   A character denoted by  any alphabet , digit or special symbol used to represent information
Fig below shows "The C character set" :

         The alphabets , digits and special symbols when properly combined form Constants ,Variable and Keywords .   A constant is an entity that does not change , whereas , a variable is an entity that may change . A keyword is a word that carries special meaning .
            In programming languages , constants are  called literals and variables are called identifiers .

Types Of constants in C Language :

Basically , there are two types are constants in C : -

  • Primary Constants
  • Secondary constants
 These constants are further categorized as shown in the figure below ,

In this blog , I will take focus only Primary constants . Later , we will learn about secondary constant .

Interger Constant in C language:

  •  An integer constant must have at least one digit .
  •  It can be any of zero , positive or negative  &  must not have a   decimal point .
  •  No commas or blanks are allowed within an integer constant .
  •  If no sign precedes an integer constant , it is assumed to be      positive .

Example : 457 

Real constant or floating point constant in C language :

  • A real constant must have at least one digit .
  • It must have a decimal point .
  • It could be either positive or negative . Default sign is positive .
  • No commas and blanks are allowed within real constant .

 Example : +325.34

In C programming language the exponential form is usually used if the value of the constant is either too small or too large .  
Example : 3.42⨉10^-4  = 3.42e-4 or 3.42E-4
                  2.3⨉10^8     = 2.3e8 or 2.3E8

Character constant in C Programming language :-

  • A character constant is a single alphabet , single digit or single special symbol enclosed within single inverted commas .
  • Both the inverted commas should be point to the left . 

Example : 'A'


Variables in C programming language :

Variables are the names you give to computer memory locations which are used to store values in a computer program.

For example, assume you want to store two values 10 and 20 in your program and at a later stage, you want to use these two values. To store any value in programming language , variable comes to play that role .

A particular type of variables can hold only the same type of constant .

Rules for creating variable in c Programming language :

  • A variable name is any combination of 1 to 26 alphabets ,digits or underscore.
  • The first character in the variable name must be an alphabet or underscore(_) .
  • No commas and blanks are allowed .
  • No special symbol other than underscore can be used in variable name .

Example :  si_int

Creating variables is also called declaring variables in C programming. Different programming languages have different ways of creating variables inside a program. For example, C programming has the following simple way of creating variables

int main() {
int a=20;
float b=25.5;
char c_val='g';
printf("In this program the integer variable is : %i\n",a);
printf("In this program the float variable is : %f\n",b);
printf("In this program the character variable is : %c",c_val);
return 0;

Output of the above program :

In this program the integer varible is : 20
In this program the float varible is : 25.500000
In this program the character varible is : g
Process exited after 0.07131 seconds with return value 0
Press any key to continue . . .

The above program hold two variables name a and b . In C Programming language , we have to declare variable type , i.e. , integer variable , either floating variable or character variable . Integer variable can holds only integer value(Example - int a =20) , float variable can hold only decimal number type value(Example - float b =25.5) , char variable can hold only character value (Example - char c_val= 'g') . 

If you declare wrong variable type , let say , int a=25.5 . it will return 0 .let's understand with same example . In the below program we change b variable . We declare that the variable b is integer , but we are trying to store decimal number . C compiler does not hold the value and result will be zero . 

int main()
{int a=20;
int b=25.5;
char c_val='g';
printf("In this program the integer varible is : %i\n",a);
printf("In this program the float varible is : %f\n",b);
printf("In this program the character varible is : %c",c_val);
return 0;

Output of the above program:

In this program the integer varible is : 20
In this program the float varible is : 0.000000
In this program the character varible is : g
Process exited after 0.07131 seconds with return value 0
Press any key to continue . . .

Keywords in C programmming Language :

Keywords are the words whose meaning has already been explained to the C compiler . There are some keywords available in C as shown in the  table below,

Inbuild C keyword
auto continue enum if
signed typedef break default
extern int sizeof union
case do float long
static unsigned volatile char
double for register struct
void const else goto
short switch while return



Next->   Comments in C and main(), printf() function


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