What is Cloudburst and Why in News ? | India pulls out from IPEF (Indo-Pacific Economic Framework)

Cloudburst in India,why common in India, pros and cons . | India pull out from IPEF.

What is Cloudburst ? Why in news ?

A cloudburst is a localised but intense rainfall activity . Very  heavy rainfall over a small geographical region is called Cloudburst which can cause huge destruction over the region .

  As per IMD(India Meteorological Department) ,over 100 mm rainfall in one hour , over small geographical region (20 - 30 square K.M.) is called Cloudburst . 100 mm in one hour means 100 L for every square meter .

Why Cloudburst happen in India ?

Cloudburst events are associated with cumulonimbus cloud . Cumulonimbus cloud can grow up to 12 - 15 km in height through the entire troposphere and can hold huge amount of water .

In India Cloudburst often occur during the monsoon season , when the southwesterly monsoon wind bring huge amount of moisture which flow from Arabian sea to India’s mainland .

Prone Areas in India:

Cloudbursts occur mostly over the rugged terrains over the Himalayas ,Western Ghats and Northeastern hill state of India .

Why weather forecasting cloudbursts  is a challenge ?

1)Satellite fail to detect cloudburst system as the resolution of the precipitation radars are much smaller than the area of individual cloudburst events .

2)Multiple doppler weather radars can monitor moving cloud droplets and help to provide forecast for the next three hours . But radars are expansive and installing them widely may not be possible .

3)The change in monsoon extremes and cloudbursts are in response to the  1 degree celsius rise in global surface temperature .

Consequence of Cloudbursts:

1) Due to heavy  rainfall can result flood .

2) It also causes - Debris Flows , Landslides ,mudflows , Landslides ,Damage of house , Damage of forest  , Loss of Human life and animal , Loss of culitavted lands and crops .

Possible Solution:

1) Permanent deployment of Trained person .

2) Using Technology ,like Multidoppler weather radar , which can admonish the living people and government authority .

3) Establish proper drainage system , to flow the water faster .

                                                                                  Source : The Hindu And Internet


India Pulls out Indo Pacific Group . Why in News?

Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) is an economic initiative launched by United States President Joe Biden on May 23, 2022 , to strength economic relationships between all participating countries .

Participating Nations in IPEF:

INDIA , AUSTRALIA , UNITED STATES , JAPAN ,INDONESIA , BRUNEI , FIJI , SOUTH KOREA ,MALAYSIA , NEW ZEALAND , PHILIPPINES , SINGAPORE , THAILAND ,VIETNAM . The 14 IPEF Partners represents 40 % of World GDP and 28% of Global goods and services trade .

Piller of IPEF:

1) Trade ,

2) Supply Chains ,

3) Clean Economy (Clean Energy) ,

4) Fair Economy (Tax and Anti-corruption)

India pulls out itself from Trade pillar only . In the Trade Pillar, the IPEF partners will seek high-­standard provisions in areas that are foundational to resilient, sustainable, and inclusive economic growth, including labour, environ­ment, digital economy, agriculture, transparency and good regulatory practices, competition, inclusivity, trade facilitation, and technical assistance and economic development .


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