Python in-built function and basic math library

 Python in-built function :

                  Python has many in-built function that are always available to the program . Some of them are related to mathematical operation .

  • abs(x)  : Returns absolute value of x , where x is any number ( Integer/float/complex)
 Input :  
 >>>abs(-5) #integer   
 >>>abs(-63.2) # float  
 >>>abs(2-3j) #complex  
 Output :  

  • pow(x,y)   : Returns x to the power y value . x,y belongs to integer/ float
 Input :  

  • min(x1 ,x2 ,x3.........) : Returns smallest argument
  • max(x1,x2,x3,.........) : Returns largest argument
  • bin(x)  : Returns binary equivalent number of integer decimal number
 Input :  
 Output :  

Python Library :

                 In python programming language there is various library for various operation . we will discuss later in this tutorial . Now , we will limited only two important mathematical library which are math for mathematics function and cmath for complex mathematics operation .

  • To use any library in python , we have import those library .
 import math  

 import cmath  

  • Mathematical function in math module :
  1. pi , e = constants value
  2. sqrt(x) = return square root value
  3. factorial(x) = return factorial value 
  4. lox(x) = return natural log value of x
  5. log10(x) = return base-10 value of logarithm
  6. degrees(x) =returns radians to degrees
  7. radians(x) = return degrees to radians
  8. sin(x) = return sin(x) value in radians
  9. cos(x)=return cos(x) value in radians
  10. tan(x) = return tangent value in radians
  • Similarly , sinh(x) ,cosh(x) and tanh(x) is for hyperbolic function .
  • asin(x) ,acos(x) and atan(x) for inverse function in radians .

If you run this way :

 Input :  
 >>>import math  
 Output :  
 >>>Traceback (most recent call last):  
  File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module>  
 NameError: name 'pi' is not defined  

This will show error . The right way to import python module/library is :

 Input :  
 >>>import math  
 Output :  

To use any library in python  , firstly we have to import library and for use we have to call the library/module .


Next->   Python Random Function


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